Last updated on August 26, 2020 by Adrien Brochard
Vim is a versatile, lightweight text editor on Linux. While its initial learning curve can be overwhelming for an average Linux user, its benefits are completely worthy. As far as the functionality goes, Vim is fully customizable by means of plugins. Due to its high level of configuration, though, you need to spend some time with its plugin system to be able to personalize Vim in an effective way. Luckily, we have several tools that make our life with Vim plugins easier. The one I use on a daily basis is Vundle
Vundle, which stands for Vim Bundle, is a Vim plugin manager. Vundle allows you to install, update, search and clean up Vim plugins very easily. It can also manage your runtime and help with tags. In this tutorial, I am going to show how to install and use Vundle.
First, install Git if you don't have it on your Linux system.
Next, create a directory where Vim plugins will be downloaded and installed. By default, this directory is located at ~/.vim/bundle
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
Now go ahead and install Vundle as follows. Note that Vundle itself is another Vim plugin. Thus we install Vundle under ~/.vim/bundle
we created earlier.
$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
Now set up you .vimrc
file as follows:
set nocompatible " This is required filetype off " This is required " Here you set up the runtime path set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim " Initialize vundle call vundle#begin() " This should always be the first Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' " This examples are from README Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " Plugin from Plugin 'L9' "Git plugin not hosted on GitHub Plugin 'git://' "git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) Plugin 'file:///home/gmarik/path/to/plugin' " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly. Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} " Avoid a name conflict with L9 Plugin 'user/L9', {'name': 'newL9'} "Every Plugin should be before this line call vundle#end() " required
Let me explain the above configuration a bit. By default, Vundle downloads and installs Vim plugins from
. You can modify the default behavior.
To install from Github:
Plugin 'user/plugin'
To install from another Git repo:
Plugin 'git://'
To install from a local file:
Plugin 'file:///home/user/path/to/plugin'
Also you can customize others such as the runtime path of you plugins, which is really useful if you are programming a plugin yourself, or just want to load it from another directory that is not ~/.vim
Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'another_vim_path/'}
If you have plugins with the same names, you can rename you plugin so that it doesn't conflict.
Plugin 'user/plugin', {'name': 'newPlugin'}
Once you have set up you plugins with Vundle, you can use it to to install, update, search and clean unused plugins using several Vundle commands.
The PluginInstall
command will install all plugins listed in your .vimrc
file. You can also install just one specific plugin by passing its name.
:PluginInstall :PluginInstall <plugin-name>
If you have any unused plugin, you can remove it by using the PluginClean
If you want to install a plugin from a plugin list provided, search functionality can be useful.
:PluginSearch <text-list>
While searching, you can install, clean, research or reload the same list on the interactive split. Installing plugins won't load your plugins automatically. To do so, add them to you .vimrc
Vim is an amazing tool. It can not only be a great default text editor that can make your work flow faster and smoother, but also be turned into an IDE for almost any programming language available. Vundle can be a big help in personalizing the powerful Vim environment quickly and easily.
Note that there are several sites that allow you to find the right Vim plugins for you. Always check, Github or for new scripts or plugins. Also remember to use the help provider for you plugin.
Keep rocking with your favorite text editor!
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