How to catch and handle errors in bash

Last updated on March 28, 2021 by Dan Nanni

In an ideal world, things always work as expected, but you know that's hardly the case. The same goes in the world of bash scripting. Writing a robust, bug-free bash script is always challenging even for a seasoned system administrator. Even if you write a perfect bash script, the script may still go awry due to external factors such as invalid input or network problems. While you cannot prevent all errors in your bash script, at least you should try to handle possible error conditions in a more predictable and controlled fashion.

That is easier said than done, especially since error handling in bash is notoriously difficult. The bash shell does not have any fancy exception swallowing mechanism like try/catch constructs. Some bash errors may be silently ignored but may have consequences down the line. The bash shell does not even have a proper debugger.

In this tutorial, I'll introduce basic tips to catch and handle errors in bash. Although the presented error handling techniques are not as fancy as those available in other programming languages, hopefully by adopting the practice, you may be able to handle potential bash errors more gracefully.

Bash Error Handling Tip #1: Check the Exit Status

As the first line of defense, it is always recommended to check the exit status of a command, as a non-zero exit status typically indicates some type of error. For example:

if ! some_command; then
    echo "some_command returned an error"

Another (more compact) way to trigger error handling based on an exit status is to use an OR list:

<command1> || <command2>

With this OR statement, <command2> is executed if and only if <command1> returns a non-zero exit status. So you can replace <command2> with your own error handling routine. For example:

    echo "Error: $1"
    exit 1

run-some-bad-command || error_exit "Some error occurred"

Bash provides a built-in variable called $?, which tells you the exit status of the last executed command. Note that when a bash function is called, $? reads the exit status of the last command called inside the function. Since some non-zero exit codes have special meanings, you can handle them selectively. For example:

# run some command
if [ $status -eq 1 ]; then
    echo "General error"
elif [ $status -eq 2 ]; then
    echo "Misuse of shell builtins"
elif [ $status -eq 126 ]; then
    echo "Command invoked cannot execute"
elif [ $status -eq 128 ]; then
    echo "Invalid argument"

Bash Error Handling Tip #2: Exit on Errors in Bash

When you encounter an error in a bash script, by default, it throws an error message to stderr, but continues its execution in the rest of the script. In fact you see the same behavior in a terminal window; even if you type a wrong command by accident, it will not kill your terminal. You will just see the "command not found" error, but you terminal/bash session will still remain.

This default shell behavior may not be desirable for some bash script. For example, if your script contains a critical code block where no error is allowed, you want your script to exit immediately upon encountering any error inside that code block. To activate this "exit-on-error" behavior in bash, you can use the set command as follows.

set -e
# some critical code block where no error is allowed
set +e

Once called with -e option, the set command causes the bash shell to exit immediately if any subsequent command exits with a non-zero status (caused by an error condition). The +e option turns the shell back to the default mode. set -e is equivalent to set -o errexit. Likewise, set +e is a shorthand command for set +o errexit.

However, one special error condition not captured by set -e is when an error occurs somewhere inside a pipeline of commands. This is because a pipeline returns a non-zero status only if the last command in the pipeline fails. Any error produced by previous command(s) in the pipeline is not visible outside the pipeline, and so does not kill a bash script. For example:

set -e
true | false | true   
echo "This will be printed"  # "false" inside the pipeline not detected

If you want any failure in pipelines to also exit a bash script, you need to add -o pipefail option. For example:

set -o pipefail -e
true | false | true          # "false" inside the pipeline detected correctly
echo "This will not be printed"

Therefore, to protect a critical code block against any type of command errors or pipeline errors, use the following pair of set commands.

set -o pipefail -e
# some critical code block where no error or pipeline error is allowed
set +o pipefail +e

Bash Error Handling Tip #3: Try and Catch Statements in Bash

Although the set command allows you to terminate a bash script upon any error that you deem critical, this mechanism is often not sufficient in more complex bash scripts where different types of errors could happen.

To be able to detect and handle different types of errors/exceptions more flexibly, you will need try/catch statements, which however are missing in bash. At least we can mimic the behaviors of try/catch as shown in this script:

function try()
    [[ $- = *e* ]]; SAVED_OPT_E=$?
    set +e

function throw()
    exit $1

function catch()
    export exception_code=$?
    (( $SAVED_OPT_E )) && set +e
    return $exception_code

Here we define several custom bash functions to mimic the semantic of try and catch statements. The throw() function is supposed to raise a custom (non-zero) exception. We need set +e, so that the non-zero returned by throw() will not terminate a bash script. Inside catch(), we store the value of exception raised by throw() in a bash variable exception_code, so that we can handle the exception in a user-defined fashion.

Perhaps an example bash script will make it clear how works. See the example below that utilizes

# Include as a library
source ./

# Define custom exception types
export ERR_BAD=100
export ERR_WORSE=101
export ERR_CRITICAL=102

    echo "Start of the try block"

    # When a command returns a non-zero, a custom exception is raised.
    run-command || throw $ERR_BAD
    run-command2 || throw $ERR_WORSE
    run-command3 || throw $ERR_CRITICAL

    # This statement is not reached if there is any exception raised
    # inside the try block.
    echo "End of the try block"
catch || {
    case $exception_code in
            echo "This error is bad"
            echo "This error is worse"
            echo "This error is critical"
            echo "Unknown error: $exit_code"
            throw $exit_code    # re-throw an unhandled exception

In this example script, we define three types of custom exceptions. We can choose to raise any of these exceptions depending on a given error condition. The OR list <command> || throw <exception> allows us to invoke throw() function with a chosen <exception> value as a parameter, if <command> returns a non-zero exit status. If <command> is completed successfully, throw() function will be ignored. Once an exception is raised, the raised exception can be handled accordingly inside the subsequent catch block. As you can see, this provides a more flexible way of handling different types of error conditions.

Granted, this is not a full-blown try/catch constructs. One limitation of this approach is that the try block is executed in a sub-shell. As you may know, any variables defined in a sub-shell are not visible to its parent shell. Also, you cannot modify the variables that are defined in the parent shell inside the try block, as the parent shell and the sub-shell have separate scopes for variables.


In this bash tutorial, I presented basic error handling tips that may come in handy when you want to write a more robust bash script. As expected these tips are not as sophisticated as the error handling constructs available in other programming language. If the bash script you are writing requires more advanced error handling than this, perhaps bash is not the right language for your task. You probably want to turn to other languages such as Python.

Let me conclude the tutorial by mentioning one essential tool that every shell script writer should be familiar with. ShellCheck is a static analysis tool for shell scripts. It can detect and point out syntax errors, bad coding practice and possible semantic issues in a shell script with much clarity. Definitely check it out if you haven't tried it.

If you find this tutorial helpful, I recommend you check out the series of bash shell scripting tutorials provided by Xmodulo.

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