How to change a message at the login console on Linux

Last updated on August 4, 2020 by Dan Nanni

Question: I would like to show a custom message at the login console. How can I change a pre-login message which appears at the login screen?

The pre-login message you see at the console screen is useful in multi-user Linux environment for various purposes. It can contain important messages for users to be aware of when they are logging in. In Linux, the pre-login message to be shown at the console screen is specified in /etc/issue file.

/etc/issue is a plain text file which can optionally contain escape sequences for various built-in information.

The following is an example of /etc/issue file.

This is a test message.

Current date: d
Current time: t
System name: s
Architecture: m
OS build info: v
Hostname: n
Kernel: r
Number of logged-in users: u

Once you edit /etc/issue as above, you will see the following message at the login console.

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