Last updated on March 1, 2013 by Dan Nanni
SmokePing is a network latency measurement and visualization tool on Linux. The tool can measure network latency (and any other network properties) against multiple destination hosts, and visualize measurements on various time scales. Once you have set up SmokePing, you can access SmokePing-collected statistics via web interface as follows.
SmokePing visualizes latency measurements in real-time, and while doing so, automatically refreshes its statistics web page periodically. You can verify that the web page generated by SmokePing is set to refresh every five seconds.
However, the auto refresh feature can get in the way at times as you cannot zoom into, or set any range value on collected statistics before the page reloads itself with default page settings.
If you would like to disable auto refresh feature of SmokePing, you can edit the following file.
$ sudo vi /etc/smokeping/basepage.html
$ sudo vi <SmokePing_installation_location>/etc/basepage.html
Either remove the following line, or replace <##step##>
with any custom refresh period (in seconds).
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="<##step##>">
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