Last updated on November 26, 2020 by Adrien Brochard
If you are a C/C++ developer looking for C/C++ IDE to work with, you can consider Eclipse-based IDE. Eclipse boasts of an extensible plug-in system for customizing IDE to support various programming languages including Java, C/C++, etc. Eclipse CDT is one such plugin which converts Eclipse into a fully functional IDE for C/C++ developers.
Eclipse CDT has the following features to help developing C/C++ programs.
In this tutorial, I will describe how to set up C/C++ development in Eclipse by installing Eclipse CDT.
I assume that you already have a working installation of Eclipse ready on your system.
First launch Eclipse, and go to Help
→ Install New Software
Click on Add
button to add a new repository. Fill in repository name, and specify the URL location of the repository as follows.
Enable checkbox for CDT Main Features
and CDT Optional Features
, and click on Next
Review the items to be installed. Finally, go ahead and install C/C++ development tools on Eclipse.
After installation, restart Eclipse.
To verify that CDT has been installed successfully, go to Help
→ About Eclipse
menu, and check if Eclipse CDT icon is listed there.
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