How to install Shutter on CentOS

Last updated on July 26, 2020 by Dan Nanni

Question: I would like to try out Shutter screenshot program on my CentOS desktop. However, when I tried to install Shutter with yum, it says "No package shutter available." How can I install Shutter on CentOS?

Shutter is an open-source (GPLv3) screenshot tool for Linux desktop. It is packed with a number of user-friendly features, making it one of the most powerful screenshot programs in Linux. With Shutter, you can capture a screenshot of a rectangular area, a window, an entire desktop screen, or even a web page at any arbitrary URL. Besides, it also allows you to edit a captured screenshot with a built-in image editor, apply different effects, export to different image formats (SVG, PDF, PS), or upload to public image hosts or FTP sites.

Shutter is not available as a pre-built package on CentOS (as of version 7). Fortunately, there exists a third-party RPM repository called Nux Dextop, which offers Shutter package. So first enable Nux Dextop repository on your CentOS system. Then use the following command to install Shutter.

$ sudo yum --enablerepo=nux-dextop install shutter

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