How to monitor DHCP traffic from the command line on Linux

Last updated on September 21, 2020 by Dan Nanni

Question: I want to find out what IP address is assigned to a host via DHCP by monitoring DHCP request and response on the wire. How can I monitor DHCP traffic from the command line?

If you want to monitor DHCP communication between a DHCP server and a client, you can run a packet sniffing tool on the same local network, and capture DHCP traffic. There are a couple of sniffing tools you can use.

Method One: tcpdump

The first method to capture DHCP traffic is to use venerable tcpdump tool. In this case, you want to define a filter so that tcpdump dumps only DHCP related traffic. In DHCP, UDP port 67 is used by a DHCP server, and UDP port number 68 is used by DHCP clients. Thus, you want to capture traffic with port number 67 or 68 as follows.

$ sudo tcpdump -i <network-interface> port 67 or port 68 -e -n

The above tcpdump output shows that IP address is assigned to a client with hardware address 00:0c:29:24:de:ee.

Method Two: dhcpdump

The second method to monitor DHCP requests and responses is to use dhcpdump, which is a command-line DHCP packet dumper program.

To install dhcpdump on Debian or Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install dhcpdump

To install dhcpdump on CentOS, first set up Repoforge on your system, and then run:

$ sudo yum install dhcpdump

To install dhcpdump on Fedora:

$ sudo yum install dhcpdump

The following command will dump DHCP requests and responses in a human-readable format.

$ sudo dhcpdump -i <network-interface>

The output shown by dhcpdump is more detailed than that of tcpdump. YIADDR field is populated with the IP address offered by a DHCP server to a client, and CHADDR field is the hardware address of the requesting client. It also shows other information such as DHCP lease time, subnet mask, DNS server, etc.

dhcpdump can filter DHCP responses such that it captures only DHCP responses sent to a particular hardware address.

For example, the following command will capture DHCP response packets sent to client whose hardware address starts with 00:c1:b5.

$ sudo dhcpdump -i eth0 -h ^00:c1:b5

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