Last updated on October 22, 2020 by Dan Nanni
NFS is a distributed file system protocol built on top of Sun's RPC (remote procedure call). NFS is popularly used to share directories and files in LAN network environments, and is also adopted in many Network Attached Storage (NAS) systems and cloud storage backends. In a typical NFS deployment, an NFS server exports part of its local file system as NFS shares, and one or more remote NFS clients mount and access exported shares within their own file system.
Here is how to set up an NFS share between an NFS server and a client, both running on CentOS 7.
In this tutorial, two CentOS 7 hosts will be used, one for an NFS server and the other for an NFS client. Many read/write operations in NFS involve accessing and updating timestamps, but NFS itself does not have any mechanism to synchronize time between a server and a client. For reliable NFS operations, it is thus highly recommended to set up NTP on every NFS server and client host to avoid any clock skew among them.
Install necessary NFS daemons and utilities with yum
$ sudo yum install nfs-utils
Next prepare a folder to export via NFS. In this example, I am going to export /var/nfs
of local filesystem.
$ sudo mkdir /var/nfs $ sudo chmod 777 /var/nfs
Now open /etc/exports
with a text editor, and specify this folder with additional export options as follows.
The export options used indicate the following. Obviously you can customize the options to meet your requirements.
Next, start necessary services and set them to auto-start upon boot.
$ sudo systemctl enable rpcbind $ sudo systemctl start rpcbind $ sudo systemctl enable nfs-server $ sudo systemctl start nfs-server
If you modify /etc/exports
, you need to activate the change by running:
$ sudo exportfs -a
Finally, you should open up the port used by NFS service in the default firewall as follows.
$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=nfs --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=rpc-bind --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=mountd --permanent $ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
To check if the folder is successfully exported, run:
$ sudo exportfs
The output should indicate what folders (e.g., /var/nfs
) are exported to whom (e.g.,
Now let's see how we can set up a remote NFS client to mount and access the exported NFS share.
On a separate CentOS 7 host, install necessary NFS daemons and utilities.
$ sudo yum install nfs-utils
Prepare a local mount point for an NFS share.
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/nfs
Go ahead and mount a remote NFS share with mount
command as follows. In this example, the NFS server's IP address is
$ sudo mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs
To verify that a remote NFS share is successfully mounted, run mount
command without any argument, and check if the output contains the mounted NFS share.
$ mount
The df
command should show extra storage from the NFS share.
To unmount the NFS share, use umount
$ sudo umount /mnt/nfs
If you want to have a remote NFS share automatically mounted upon boot, you can add the following line in /etc/fstab
$ sudo vi /etc/fstab /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0
Note that the mounted NFS share changes the ownership of any file created by the root
to the nfsnobody
user. This is an NFS feature called root squash, which essentially reduces the access right of the remote superuser for security reasons. You can disable root squash by using no_root_squash
export option, but is not recommended as any remote root user could accidentally mess up shared folders with root privilege.
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